Siv Ellen Kraft, Bjørn Ola Tafjord, Arkotong Longkumer, Gregory Alles, Greg Johnson: Indigenous Religion(s)

Hva regnes som urfolksreligion ? Hvem gjør krav på denne kategorien? Hvordan er prosessene gjennom hvilke lokale enheter blir gjenkjennelige som «religiøse» og «urfolk»? Hvordan henger alt dette sammen med kamper om makt, rettigheter og suverenitet?

Denne boken  har fokus på dagens urfolksreligioner,  gjennom casestudier fra Sápmi, Nagaland, Talamanca, Hawaii og Gujarat. 

Engelsk tekst.

What counts as ‘indigenous religion’ in today´s world? Who claims this category? What are the processes through which local entities become recognisable as ‘religious’ and ‘indigenous’? How is all of this connected to struggles for power, rights and sovereignty?

This book sheds light on the contemporary lives of indigenous religion(s), through case studies from Sápmi, Nagaland, Talamanca, Hawai`i, and Gujarat, and through a shared focus on translations, performances, mediation and sovereignty. It builds on long term case-studies and on the collaborative comparison of a long-term project, including shared fieldwork. At the center of its concerns are translations between a globalising discourse (indigenous religion in the singular) and distinct local traditions (indigenous religions in the plural).

With contributions from leading scholars in the field, this book is a must read for students and researchers in indigenous religions, including those in related fields such as religious studies and social anthropology.

ISBN: 9780367898588. Routledge, 2020. 208 s. Innb. (kan kjøpes gjennom Biblioteksentralen og Adlibris)